Ohmex is committed to respecting and protecting your personal information.
As part of its internal management, Ohmex is required to collect or have access to data considered personal as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
This personal data includes the following non-exhaustive list: names, personal and / or business email addresses, phone numbers, mailing addresses.
Ohmex is committed to respecting your personal information.
In order to protect your data, we apply the following principles:
- No trade or arbitrary distribution of your personal data,
- Digitization in order to limit and control the circulation of paper documents,
- Prior notification of this policy to all company employees,
- Prior communication of this policy to companies with which Ohmex does business. We request that all third parties agree to comply with our data protection policy,
- We ensure all independent consultants who contract with Ohmex sign a confidentiality agreement,
Application of personal data retention policies of companies, in a secure area accessible only by management. - Conservation of data over a period not exceeding three years, after which the data will be destroyed,
Taking into account your right to delete data.
Ohmex is committed to protecting your personal information, to prevent their damage, deletion or access by unauthorized third parties.
To this end, we deploy and maintain the following means:
- Secure access to our premises
- Anti-viruses and firewalls to protect corporate servers
With whom do we share your personal data?
- Nobody
According the European Regulation No. 2016/679 / EU of 27 April 2016 (applicable from 25 May 2018), you have the right of access, rectification, portability and erasure of your data or limiting treatment of such data. You may also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data that concerns you. You may, subject to the production of a valid proof of identity, exercise your rights by contacting
For further information or to issue a complaint, you can contact the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (more information on